The world-renowned Munich Legends restoration team have restored, raced, repaired, sourced and sold some of the greatest BMWs in the world.
From a works Roberto Ravaglia DTM touring car to Nicki Lauda’s championship winning M1 procar, celebrated Group A cars such as Hans Stuck’s 635 and the world famous Group 2 Gosser Beer CSL Batmobile driven by Dieter Quester, to some of the world’s most iconic production BMWs – from the stunning E9 3.0 CSL – probably our ‘signature car’ – to Europe’s first production turbo, the 2002, BMW’s first super-saloon, the E3 3.0L si, and the first M touring, the E34 M5, as well as, of course, the all conquering E30 M3. We’ve restored rare beasts such as the Alpina B7s turbo and of course BMW’s only supercar, the Legendary M1. Our reputation has been built on a warm relationship with our owners, a refusal to compromise, an exceptional eye for quality and pure, unbridled passion.